Residents should not attempt to remove hazardous fire debris themselves. Post-fire house debris is hazardous because it can contain toxic materials like asbestos, lead, mercury, chemicals from household products, and other heavy metals which are released into the ash and debris when structures burn.
Residents should not attempt to remove hazardous fire debris themselves. Post-fire house debris is hazardous because it can contain toxic materials like asbestos, lead, mercury, chemicals from household products, and other heavy metals which are released into the ash and debris when structures burn.
This guide will help you to better prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters that face Los Angeles County. Our goal is to provide tips that assist you to be self-sufficient after a disaster.
Las zonas afectadas por un incendio forestal pueden tener humo, hollín, cenizas, químicos, agua y daños estructurales. Antes de entrar, asegúrese de que los bomberos hayan autorizado el acceso.
El humo y el hollín pueden desplazarse y entrar en las habitaciones afectando a la pintura, la moqueta, la tapicería, las cortinas, la ropa y cualquier otra pertenencia. El primer paso que debe darse al limpiar después de un incendio es ventilar el lugar del incendio y retirar los escombros.
Homeowners and small water system operators impacted by disasters may need to disinfect water storage tanks if they suspect contamination with harmful bacteria. If unsure about the contamination level, it’s safest to use an alternative drinking water source.
License #1082537